Sunday, June 5, 2011

UPDATE - Fundraising for the Ndandini Water Distribution Project

We are making good progress towards our goal of raising the necessary us$62,500 for the project to bring potable water from the Ndandini well to the 3000 villagers and schoolchildren living in Kyaithani (in the greater Ndandini area).

Our first goal is to raise us$25,000 from various Rotary clubs and private donors.  So far we have commitments for us$20,000.  Not there yet, but getting close.  Can you help?

Once we have this money committed, we will then be in a position to apply for the us$37,500 in grants from Rotary to complete the project fundraising.

We are hoping that we can complete the $25,000 portion of the fundraising early in June, apply for the grant in July, and get the project underway by September.
